
The Cebu Port Authority, or CPA, reported near-empty and orderly ports on April 2, 2021. The CPA prepared assistance desks to help monitor passenger movement during Holy Week. It is tradition for many folks to return home to their provinces for the week, making the preparation an essential one.

With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting travel restrictions, Cebu reported near-empty ports. This was evident in ports like Pier Uno, Pier Tres, and the Sta. Fe Port in Bantayan Island, among others.

The CPA continues to remind travelers to get the right documents before travelling. Other reminders include not bringing banned items like sharp and dangerous objects. Travelers also need to follow basic health protocols.


Wearing face masks and face shields are still needed and will continue to be needed for the foreseeable future. Maintaining physical and social distancing are also included in the health protocols, along with regular disinfecting.

On the topic of health protocols, those who are sick with flu-like symptoms are not encouraged to travel. This also applies for those who are experiencing even mild fever as a precaution. Such protocols will remain in place not only for those travelling by sea, but also for those travelling via plane. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold, the expectation of low travel and passenger rates will also continue.

Source: Cebu Daily News

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