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Evaristo & Sons

Surigao to Dapa, Siargao and vice versa: Evaristo & Sons Schedule & Fares

1 hour 30 minutes
420 ~ ₱520

Trip Summary

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Evaristo & Sons has daily ferry trips between Surigao and Dapa, Siargao. The travel time is around 1 hour 30 minutes. The ticket price for the passenger fare is from ₱420.00 to ₱520.00 depending on the accommodation but only if there are options to choose from. The ferry type for this route is a RORO.

Travel Time

The estimated travel time between Surigao and Dapa, Siargao is 1 hour 30 minutes.

Surigao Terminal:

Surigao City Ferry Terminal

Dapa, Siargao Terminal:

Dapa Port

Contact Information

Surigao Office:

Dapa Office:

Main Office:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The average travel time for the ferry is 1 hour 30 minutes between Surigao and Dapa, Siargao.

Evaristo & Sons has daily ferry trips between Surigao and Dapa, Siargao.

No, the ferry will not make a stop unless necessary or announced by the operator.

Surigao to Dapa, Siargao Schedule

Departure Time Arrival Time
6:00 AM7:30 AM
10:00 AM11:30 AM
1:00 PM2:30 PM
3:30 PM5:00 PM

Dapa, Siargao to Surigao Schedule

Departure TimeArrival Time
6:00 AM7:30 AM
10:00 AM11:30 AM
1:00 PM2:30 PM
3:30 PM5:00 PM

The ticket price for the ferry fare depends on the accommodation. Through Evaristo & Sons, the minimum fare is ₱420.00 while the maximum fare is ₱520.00.

Business Class₱520.00

Yes, normally in the Philippines, certain type of passengers can avail of discounted ticket fares. The discount can range up to 20% but this varies between passenger type. You can reach out to Evaristo & Sons to get a more accurate percentage. You may also need to provide proof of identification or document to get the discount.

Yes, since the ferry is a RoRo (Roll-on/Roll-off), it can transport not only passengers but also vehicles such as cars and motorcycles. However, there will be a different rate for passengers bringing their own vehicles.

You can either book online for your tickets, at one of their sattelite ticketing offices of Evaristo & Sons, or with affiliated ticketing partners.
Evaristo & Sons

Evaristo & Sons

Ferry Operator

Evaristo & Sons Sea Transport Corporation is a trusted ferry operator in the Philippines, providing dependable maritime services to passengers and cargo. Evaristo & Sons connects travelers between Surigao City and Dapa in Siargao Island.